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Write for websites and get paid

Write for websites and get paid

write for websites and get paid

Dec 18,  · 13 Blogging Websites Where You Get Paid to Write; 1. SitePoint ー Get paid to write blogs; 2. List verse ー Pays you for blog writing; 3. Cracked ー Pays you to blog; 4. Knitty ー A freelance website to get paid to write; 5. Scotch ー Websites for freelance writer jobs; 6. The BGD Blog ー Where writers get paid to blog; 7 May 10,  · May 10, / 6 Comments / in Blogging, Earn Extra Money / by Wallet Squirrel. Getting paid to write articles is one of our favorite ways to earn extra money, so much so that we made a list of websites that will actually pay you to submit articles for their publications. This is a great way to earn extra money while building your writing brand. The more prestigious websites your articles are Apr 21,  · It works like this: You write your list (10 items per list minimum), you send it in, we reply and say “Great—we’ll publish it” and send you $ by PayPal (don’t have an account? just make one—it’s easy and free); or we reply and say “Sorry—it isn’t the sort of thing our readers will love—give it another shot.” Just remember, your list should be at least one or two paragraphs per entry

30+ Websites to Write and Get Paid Instantly - Vital Dollar

Get My Free Download ». You are here: Home » Blog » freelance writing » Online Writing Jobs: 45 Websites that Will Pay You to Write in One of the best ways to get paid to write is by actively seeking websites and online publications that pay writers.

You can then send your submissions to these websites and get paid when your article is accepted or published. If done right, you can earn a full-time living doing online writing jobs just for these websites. Check out my new course for beginner freelance writers! It is also important to clarify that the websites and publications featured on this list do not use a revenue-share model or any kind of arrangement in which payment is uncertain.

Instead, they pay a fixed and clearly outlined rate as soon as your article is accepted or published — depending on their policy. This list is an extension of my original list of 30 websites that pay writers. Below are 45 websites offering to pay for writing work. For each website listed, I include the niche, the amount paid per article accepted, the payment method, and what they are looking for.

Depending on how many of the websites you decide to apply to, you might not have to look for writing work elsewhere:. Income Diary accept articles about anything related to building an online business: this includes articles about making money online, getting traffic, social media, web design, conversion optimization and anything in between.

If your article is about building a business online, it will most likely be a good fit for them! They want articles to be focused on Middle Eastern and South Asian politics and US foreign policy. They want pieces to be around — 1, words and have a preference for reporters and academics with original information. Smithsonian is another website to add to your list of publications to consider for freelance writing work. They are looking for pieces that relate to topics and subject matters researched, studied and exhibited by the Smithsonian Institution.

Specifically, they want pieces related to: science, history, art, popular culture, and innovation. What Wanderful wants is quite simple: content aimed at helping and empowering women to travel the world. Budget Travel publishes articles about travel destinations, culture, tips, and adventure. They pay freelance writers to contribute articles related to these topics, write for websites and get paid.

You can also get paid to write tutorials and articles about web design and development for Entheos. Articles can be about Photoshop, Dreamweaver, HTML5, CSS, Illustrator, Fireworks, and web design in general. Back2College is looking for articles about education for older students. These articles could address issues such as obtaining financial aid, attaining academic excellence, write for websites and get paid, career management, on-campus education, online education, and other issues of interest write for websites and get paid adult learners.

Foreign Policy is one of the leading online publications about foreign policy and global affairs. They accept articles on issues about politics, culture, finance, business, and world events as long as it relates to foreign policy. Great Escape Publishing is a travel publication looking for articles relating to making a living by traveling; they want interviews, personal stories, and other types of articles that offer specific income advice that their readers can follow to earn more income.

They expect articles to be around — words. Elite Personal Finance is looking for articles about personal finance, saving money, making money online, credit cards, write for websites and get paid, loans, identity theft, business, and many more topics. The Diplomat is looking for freelance writers to contribute analysis and commentary on events taking place in the Asia-Pacific region.

Articles can be about a lot of different topics including defense and intelligence, popular culture, arts, environment, human security and development, as well as geo-political trends in the Asia-Pacific region. They want blog posts to range between and words and feature articles to be at write for websites and get paid 1, words. They prefer writers to pitch first and payment has to be agreed upon in advance by the editor.

Copyhackers is one of the leading copywriting and conversion optimization blog. They publish some of the best, most in-depth content on copywriting and conversion optimization. Their articles are also always of a very practical nature. They want no less from their writers and claim to accept just 2 percent of all pitches and publish only a third of accepted pitches.

This particular opportunity shows that you can get paid to write about ANYTHING. They boast write for websites and get paid 4 million pageviews annually and will allow you to have a bio with a link back to your site in accepted articles. They want articles to be between 1, write for websites and get paid, and 3, words, write for websites and get paid.

Semaphore is looking for freelance writers and web developers to contribute software development-related tutorials to their site. This is another parenting publication for parents and freelance writers looking for freelance writing jobs. They are looking for articles related to entrepreneurship, website design, website development, WordPress, freelancing, and more.

Write Naked wants writers who can contribute articles related to the art and craft of getting published. This includes interviews with key writing figures, publishing trends, write for websites and get paid writing success stories. You can take a look at popular topics discussed on the website for ideas. Digital Ocean is looking for freelance writers to create software development-related content for their public knowledgebase.

They are looking for articles related to Linux; your articles can be about Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, or any of the other Linux ecosystem. Payment is made via Paypal or Digital Ocean credit for accepted articles. Plesk is looking for freelance writers to contribute articles and tutorials about web development-related topics. Linode is looking for technical writers and subject matter experts to submit tutorials about Linode, Linux, and cloud infrastructure.

You will be paid to contribute articles on any subject to Global Comment. That said, they have a preference for well-informed essays, well-researched opinion pieces, and reviews of films, TV, books, music, or art at a national or international level.

They want articles to be at least write for websites and get paid, words, use lots of relevant write for websites and get paid and third party reference, and cover SEO, digital marketing, and small business. They also only want articles written by native English speakers. If you want to get paid to write about, well, write for websites and get paid, writing, Craft Your Content is the publication you want to write for.

They are looking for articles about writing and language, grammar, the business of writing, and staying creative and productive. Greater Good prefers science articles with a mix of storytelling. Perhaps the number one niche-related inquiry I get is from freelance writers who want information about Christian writing jobs.

They want articles for their website to be between to 1, words and articles for their print edition to write for websites and get paid between to 4, words depending on the nature of the article. You can submit lists on anything. List posts published on Listverse are usually of a top 10 nature. You will be paid to contribute articles designed to help people improve their knowledge and brain capability at Mental Floss; articles are usually made of quizzes or facts.

The Progressive is a politics magazine that accepts submissions from freelance writers. You can submit an article to Salon. com that relates to any of the categories featured on the website. This includes culture, politics, science and health, food, technology, the economy, and news. Serious Eats is a food publication looking write for websites and get paid pay writers for their contributions related to food, cooking, and eating.

So if you feel this is right up your alley, you might want to reach out to Serious Eats. Funny Times wants very funny stories of about — words. They are specifically requesting that you send in the funniest stories you have ever written. You can submit articles about any topic as long as it pokes fun at any major subject, write for websites and get paid. SQLServerCentral will accept any article on any SQL-related topic.

Hongkiat is a top web design website that will pay you for your design articles and tutorials. They expect articles to be in-depth and comprehensive but not too long. Working Mother is looking for writers to contribute content to both their print magazine and online publication.

Just as the name implies, Working Mother is looking for pieces that have direct practical implications for career-focused moms. Just as the name implies, JustParents is looking for articles that is of relevance to parents and pregnant couples.

In particular, they want articles to be tailored towards first time parents. They prefer articles to be in the to 1, words range and pay for accepted articles within 24 hours of approval. Also, make sure to share this article with people in your network who are interested in earning a living by doing writing jobs online in Tags: freelance writing jobsget paid to writeget paid to write onlinewrite for websites and get paid, online writing jobs Category: freelance writing, write for websites and get paid.

I'm Bamidele Onibalusi, a young writer and blogger. I believe writers are unique and highly talented individuals that should be given the respect they deserve. This blog offers practical advice to help you become truly in charge of your writing career. Writers in Charge Home About Contact. You are here: Home write for websites and get paid Blog » freelance writing » Online Writing Jobs: 45 Websites that Will Pay You to Write in Online Writing Jobs: 45 Websites that Will Pay You to Write in by Bamidele Onibalusi Would you like to get paid to do online writing jobs in ?

Get Paid to Do Online Writing Jobs for These 45 Websites Below are 45 websites offering to pay for writing work. Depending on how many of the websites you decide to apply to, you might not have to look for writing work elsewhere: 1. They pay upon acceptance for articles. Entheos Niche : Web Design Amount per post : Unspecified Payment Method : PayPal Payment info confirmed on website : Yes You can also get paid to write tutorials and articles about web design and development for Entheos.

The Diplomat Niche : Asia-Pacific Amount per post : Unspecified Payment Method : Unspecified Payment info confirmed on website : No The Diplomat is looking for freelance writers to contribute analysis and commentary on events taking place in the Asia-Pacific region.

Mental Floss Niche : General Amount per post : Unspecified Payment Method : Unspecified Payment info confirmed on website : No You will be paid to contribute articles designed to help people improve their knowledge and brain capability at Mental Floss; articles are usually made of quizzes or facts. com Niche : General Amount per post : Unspecified Payment Method : Unspecified Payment info confirmed on website : No You can submit an article to Salon.

Working Mother Niche : Working Moms Amount per post : Unspecified Payment Method : Unspecified Payment info confirmed on website : No Working Mother is looking for writers to contribute content to both their print magazine and online publication. JustParents Niche : Parenting Amount per post : Unspecified Payment Method : PayPal Payment info confirmed on website : Yes Just as the name implies, JustParents is looking for articles that is of relevance to parents and pregnant couples.

What other websites offer online writing jobs?

32 Highest Paying Websites For Writers - 2019

, time: 12:47

Get Paid to Write: 63 Sites That Pay Up to $ per Post

write for websites and get paid

May 27,  · There are a few guidelines where you need to follow to get paid to write, You need to follow quality, actionable, unique, and useful content. One must use a casual and informative tone in the article script. Good usage of data, stats, images, and quotes can enhance the value of the content Oct 19,  · Inexperienced blog writers usually charge $ per word while more experienced blog writers usually charge between $ and $ per word. Higher rates are usually charged by blog writers with tertiary level degrees in a related field and an May 10,  · May 10, / 6 Comments / in Blogging, Earn Extra Money / by Wallet Squirrel. Getting paid to write articles is one of our favorite ways to earn extra money, so much so that we made a list of websites that will actually pay you to submit articles for their publications. This is a great way to earn extra money while building your writing brand. The more prestigious websites your articles are

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