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Write discussion scientific paper

Write discussion scientific paper

write discussion scientific paper

Jan 12,  · How to Write a Thoughtful Discussion for Your Scientific Paper 1. Do Summarize Your Results and Outline Their Interpretation in Light of the Known Literature This is the first thing 2. Do Explain the Importance of Your Results Be sure to advocate for your findings and underline how your Mar 18,  · The discussion section is often considered the most important part of your research paper because this is where you: Most effectively demonstrates your ability as a researcher to think critically about an issue, to develop creative solutions to problems based upon a logical synthesis of the findings, and to formulate a deeper, more profound understanding of the research problem under Cited by: 1 May 03,  · How to Write a Strong Discussion in Scientific Manuscripts. Release Date: May 3, Category: Manuscript Writing. Author: Rita N., Ph.D. A strong Discussion section provides a great deal of analytical depth. Your goal should be to critically analyze and interpret the findings of your study. You should place your findings in the context of published literature and describe how your study

How to Write a Strong Discussion in Scientific Manuscripts

The next big step is writing a scientific discussion. It is the last part of your paper, in which you summarize your findings in light of the current literature.

You also need to zero in on how your work will move the field forward and what questions remain. Unlike the abstractwrite discussion scientific paper discussion does not have a broad readership per se, but is written for both beginners to that particular area of science and experts of the same.

So, what do you need to do to make the scientific discussion section a success? This is the first thing that you need to do when writing a scientific discussion section. Describe very briefly the write discussion scientific paper from your results, and then explain what it means with respect to what is already known. Remember to emphasize how your results support or refute the current hypotheses in the field, if any.

This is also a good place to address if your data conflict with what is established in the field. Be sure to advocate for your findings and underline how your results significantly move the field forward.

In this section, explain any limitations that your hypothesis or experimental approach might have and the reasoning behind them, write discussion scientific paper. This will help the field in generating hypotheses and new approaches without facing the same challenges. The discussion becomes well rounded when you emphasize not only the impact of the study but also where it may fall short.

Nonetheless, you should think about the questions that your study might lead to while you are writing the discussion.

Consider posing a few questions, preferably in the form of a hypothesis, to provide a launchpad for future research. Now that we have talked about the important features of an authoritative discussion section, here are a few pointers about things to avoid.

You can open the discussion with a sentence that contains a snapshot of the main conclusion, but make sure you stop right there! Rather, swiftly transition into what these results mean and their impact. I mentioned giving your results their proper due and underscoring their significance.

But be careful not to extrapolate your results and interpret something that is beyond the scope of the study. Keep in mind the difference between what your results suggest at a given point versus what more can be known from them.

You can do this by asking more questions and applying other experimental approaches. Present all of your data write discussion scientific paper the results section.

Although readers of your field would probably understand the jargon, minimize its use to make your paper accessible to a broader audience and to enable a larger impact. Try and use plain English, write discussion scientific paper. In a nutshell, remember that the primary goal of writing a scientific discussion is to accentuate your results. Therefore, take the time to ensure that it is well rounded, succinct, and relevant, write discussion scientific paper.

Originally published December 7, write discussion scientific paper, Reviewed and updated on December 22, Has this helped you? Then please share with your network. I use Mega 7 to align raw sequence primer forward write discussion scientific paper reverse, where the nucleotide sequence to start cutting weight and stop taking the final part of the sequence.

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More. Written by Suryatapa Ghosh. Image Credit: Ettore. Masri on May 23, at am. Hi I use Mega 7 to align raw sequence primer forward and reverse, where the nucleotide sequence to start cutting weight and stop taking the final part of the sequence. thank You. hahaa on October 2, at pm. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Networks.

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Writing the Discussion Section of a Research Paper

, time: 5:24

8 Tips for Writing a Scientific Discussion That's Authoritative

write discussion scientific paper

Feb 27,  · What discussion sections in scientific papers should and shouldn’t contain. The discussion section might well be the hardest part of a paper to write. Yet, so useful! In a great discussion section, the authors tie the different findings of the paper together, analyse them in the context of existing literature, offer speculations, suggest further research and highlight the study’s Mar 18,  · The discussion section is often considered the most important part of your research paper because this is where you: Most effectively demonstrates your ability as a researcher to think critically about an issue, to develop creative solutions to problems based upon a logical synthesis of the findings, and to formulate a deeper, more profound understanding of the research problem under Cited by: 1 May 03,  · How to Write a Strong Discussion in Scientific Manuscripts. Release Date: May 3, Category: Manuscript Writing. Author: Rita N., Ph.D. A strong Discussion section provides a great deal of analytical depth. Your goal should be to critically analyze and interpret the findings of your study. You should place your findings in the context of published literature and describe how your study

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